Article No. 0775

Indignation or Admiration?

Then the high priest rose up and
All that were with him
Were filled with INDIGNATION
(About Christ and the Gospel)
Acts 5:17

(Christ) comes...
He will be ADMIRED by
All them that believe.
2 Thessalonians 1:10
(Paraphrased and shortened for clarity)

IndignationAdmiration When people look at the Cross of Christ at Calvary, it provokes one of two responses.

Some may point to this so-called 'historical' event and mock it as a work of religious fiction, or as today’s verse from Acts 5 says be repulsed and indignant about the gospel message. On the other hand there are others that look to the cross with thankfulness and admiration for what Christ did to save their souls — and people will fall into one of these two camps.

Either the cross is a source of Comfort or Criticism, and the bottom line is that it is your CHOICE to which one it is.

Friend, we all have free will to determine what to believe or not believe, and the gospel message of forgiveness of sins through the blood of Christ shed on the cross at calvary is open invitation to all those that choose to embrace it.

Indignation or Admiration.

What’s your take on THE CROSS?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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