Article No. 0771

The Foolishness
Of The Gospel

“The message of the cross is
To those who are perishing.”
1 Corinthians 1:18

ThrowingStones It is very popular in today’s culture to make fun of God, the Bible, and those that believe in God. To many, following God and actually considering Christianity is not only totally foolish, but flies in the face of reason and science.

And that’s all there is to it, right?

Well, this self-same book that is so often derided says that this is EXACTLY how people will react to it. To the natural-mind, it does NOT make any sense, and a valid question is WHY, and the answer is in the verse that immediately follows today’s scripture reference:

“Where is the WISE?”

You see, it is the so-called 'wisdom' of the world that dictates to our human minds what is right or reasonable, but the Bible says that for those that do that “Professing themselves to be WISE they became FOOLS.” (Romans 1:22)

If you’ve read this far and still think the preaching of the cross is foolishness, I get it — and you are not alone! Many (maybe even you?) will continue to mock, ridicule, and criticize the Bible and it’s message of sin, salvation, and redemption and that is OK, and you know why? Because we ALL have free will to believe or not believe, but consider this...

The message of the CROSS is the CROSSroad which all must conclude: Is this FOOLISHNESS or is it RIGHT?

This is something that only you can determine.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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