Article No. 0766

And the
True Life?

“I am the way,
The truth and
The life.”

John 14:6
- Jesus Christ -

TruthBlocks What exactly is 'TRUTH'?

People have been asking that question for a long time. Even Pontius Pilate when sentencing Jesus to death cynically asked: “What is TRUTH?”

All of this goes back to the beginning of creation. What started off as holy, wholly pureness in Eden suddenly changed when un-truth entered into the world beginning the 'cursed' world of sin which began the fall away from God’s original, beautiful plan for humanity. We were created by God for a much better world with an endless, TRUE relationship with the Father, His Son, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. So the question is, “How can we again attain this endless, TRUE kind of relationship?”

In a world filled with “fake news,” many voices, and endless misinformation, truth can be difficult to find but it is of paramount importance. Real TRUTH is defined as genuineness, veracity, and actuality. In a word, Truth IS Reality which is the very nature of God as John 17:17 says, “ Your word is truth.”.

Truth is the Reflection of God and Truth Is ANCHORED In God. It originates in and out of God Himself being consistent with His mind, will, character, glory, and being . Truth is the self-disclosure of God Himself, because God declares it so and made it so.

Truth is TETHERED to the character of God and contains God’s personality, attributes, and nature. As you and I cannot escape our skin, God cannot escape what is true, because it is a fundamental part of His being. He is the essence of truth that defines everything that pertains to life. All other methods of man’s knowledge - whether in the sciences or in theology – are by comparison a mere molecule of the ultimate totality of God who upholds the universe by the truth of His word which made the worlds.

So how do you find truth? Well it’s not through meditation, 'finding yourself' or self-actualization or realization, but as James 4: says, “Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you”.

Friend, the answer to how you can have an endless, true relationship with God begins by BUILDING ON THE BLOCKS OF TRUTH which is Christ alone. Start by asking God to forgive you, receive that, then start living each day based on HIS TRUTH and he will lead your life in the direction he intended for all in Eden.

When you do, “Ye shall know the TRUTH, and the truth shall make you free.”

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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