Article No. 0760

One Spot or Blemish
Is All It Takes

“Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye
Look for these things, give diligence
That ye may be found in peace,
Without Spot and blameless in his sight.”

2 Peter 3:14

Spot+Blemished A man bought a very expensive suit at a fine men’s store for a very special upcoming occasion. Fitted to perfection by the tailor, the man and the store manager admired the garment and the man left the store, excited to wear it at an elegant affair that evening.

While getting dressed, he was putting his pen into an inside pocket but accidentally brushed the open tip on the lapel making a long, prominent indelible mark. In doing so, the once spotless coat was now ruined.

Sin on our lives is exactly like this.

Just as we could not stand before others with a marked garment, we likewise cannot stand before God with the mark of sin on our lives. However, here is the Good News (i.e. the Gospel!)

“The Blood of Jesus Christ…
Cleanseth us from ALL sin”

1 John 1:7

Friend, there is no amount of cleansing that we ourselves can do to erase the stain of sin in our lives! Jesus said, if we lived a perfect life, yet were errant in just One Small Mark, it would not make us pure enough to stand before God, however for those that trust and believe in Christ, God’s Word promise is that he shall wash away every mark of sin, make us clean, and make us 'whiter than snow' “Pure and Blameless.”

If you have not asked Christ for His forgiveness that will cleanse you from the deep marks of sin on your life, will you do that right now?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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