Article No. 0757

Center Lane

“I have set before you
Life and Death,
Blessing and Cursing:
Therefore choose life.”

Deuteronomy 30:19

LeftOrRightLane Staying in the middle lane going down the road of life is easy as long as you don’t have to make a decision about 'religion,' 'faith,' or 'god.' As long as there’s road ahead of you and you’re still moving along, there’s no reason to change lanes…that is, until that neutral middle-of-the-road lane ends. Then the question is — “Will I be taking the left exit or the right exit?”

Is this you? Are you driving down the road of your life in that uncommitted center lane, never having made up your mind or even seriously thinking at one point that comfortable “I don’t have to choose” lane is still available?

Here is a Real-World Warning that you Cannot Afford To Ignore!

That seeming endless road of life WILL end, and it is up to you to decide when it ends which exit you will take. No one sends you to one exit or another, you will either consciously or unconsciously make that choice.

Make that choice before it is too late, or
You Will Be LEFT Behind.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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