Article No. 0751

We All Are All
Born In Sin

“By one man
Sin entered into the world,
And death by sin;
And so death passed upon all men,
For that all have sinned”

Romans 5:12

CarrySin As descendants of Adam we all carry the curse of sin on our lives. Because sin came into the world so did death, and after death a doorway will lead to one of two places. Either to a blessed, joyful, eternal life in heaven or complete separation from God forever and in hell.

What separates the two depends entirely on how your SIN is accounted for.

You see on our own, the sin debt accumulated in this life is too much for us to carry and at the end reckoning there is no way you can pay that amount due. The Bible says that “The wages (what we will get paid for) of SIN is DEATH” (Romans 6:23a) and this is everyone’s natural fate, but the good news is reading the end of that verse!:

“… but the GIFT of God is
Eternal Life
In Christ Jesus.”

Romans 6:23b

You see God in His loving mercy made a provision for all under the curse of sin by paying in full our sin debt, and he paid it with something more precious than all the riches in the world. He paid it with his own blood.

Friend, which of these two eternal paths are you walking? The path of payment for sin, or receiving the free gift of removal of sin? Christ can and will do that for you. It is His free gift to all those that believe in Him and repent of their sins.

One day, this debt will come due.

Will you choose to have your sins converted to righteousness or receive the just payment for sin?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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