Article No. 0750

It Shall Come
To Pass

When ye see these things
Know ye that the KINGDOM OF GOD

Luke 21:31

ItShallComeToPass God at various times throughout history has chosen certain people with particularly strong faith to powerfully bring forth His word and be His voice in these later times — like evangelist Glenda Jackson.

After over thirty years of faithfully ministering to American Indians and people around the world Christ appeared to her and shared these five particular powerful words:

“And Shall Come To Pass.”

This phrase occurs over 150 times in the Bible, and every proclamation of this has always proven to be TRUE or WILL come true!

In this revelation Jesus said how important it is for us to have “NOW FAITH” because when we spell N-O-W backwards it spells W-O-N meaning VICTORY was given to us NOW on the cross! Because of this Jesus also said he doesn’t pray for us to have salvation or be healed because He already did all that for us when he took all on him on the cross!

He also told her that there are three kinds of faith:
and He went on to say we must have FAITH TO FAIL NOT, because we must use our faith and not let it die. Why? Because Satan is always trying to destroy our faith, for once faith is gone we become Weak or we are LOST. Therefore we must be strong standing side by side with Jesus knowing He is with us and in us. Here again Christ and scripture and prophecy reminds over and over “ it shall come to pass” and in these end times, we are starting to see more and more of His word indeed COME TO PASS! As we now see the world grow darker and darker every day the ancient end-time prophecies are coming true right before our eyes!

Regardless of the growing evil in the world be encouraged because the church is more than ever shining like God’s beautiful jewels and diamonds as a bright light in contrast to the black velvet of darkness of today! Jesus wants us to know that the world’s Greatest Revival is coming soon and that all that seek His face will find Him.

Friend, Christ is telling us not to look at the world for answers, but to turn to Him and to remember His words, that despite the ever growing evil in the world that:

“We are More Than CONQUERORS
Through Him That Loved Us!”

Romans 8:37

...and this is COMING TO PASS! The Kingdom Of God Is Nigh At Hand!

Are you ready to step into it?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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