Article No. 0749

It’s Not Your Will
But God’s Will

“Take this cup away from Me;
Nevertheless, not what I will
But what YOU WILL.”

Mark 14:36

ChristDrippingBlood Nothing could have been more difficult than the assignment Jesus was given to him by the Father to die on the cross the most horrible of all deaths. As he was praying in the garden of Gethsemane, he was literally sweating blood and overcome with the suffering that was soon to come, and in his humanity said:

“Remove this cup from me:
nevertheless not my will,
but thine, be done.”
Luke 22:42

On top of all that, he was betrayed by one of his own, arrested, unfairly tried, cruelly beaten, deserted by His disciples, and died a humiliating criminal’s death on a cross. Yet despite all this, it was doing GOD’S WILL and NOT his own that was paramount.

No one but the Son of God could do such a thing, but there are times like Jesus faced when we also must make the difficult choice to put aside our own wishes and submit to God’s will.

God’s way is not always the easy path, but it is always the right one.

Friend, when you are facing a difficult decision, turn to your heavenly Father and ask for His divine guidance and direction. Listen closely to His still small voice inside your heart and always do HIS WILL, and in the final outcome You Will ALWAYS Be Glad You Did.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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