Article No. 0748

Not All Ways
Point To

“Turn to me and be saved,
All you ends of the earth;
For I am God
And there is no other.”

Isaiah 45:22

GodOrMansWay There’s a popular idea in the world that there are many ways to god, that all religions essentially teach the same thing and that by being good and living life best you can is all you need to do.

The problem however is that pesky guy Jesus!

While almost all religions revere Jesus Christ as a wise man, prophet, and great teacher, he made a statement that negates all other paths, when He said:

The Truth and
The Life.”

John 14:6

You see, according to Christ there are really only two ways we can take — His Way...Or Another. He also said “Follow Me” and that way is along a narrow road that leads to eternal life, or you can choose to take the broad path that “Many Will Follow” that points in a different direction to destruction. (Matthew 7:13)

Both do not — Or Cannot — arrive at the same destination.

Friend, you are free to choose which way you will go in this life and follow along the path you think is best. It may not be Christianity, and that choice is entirely up to you. No one can make that decision for you, but at some point there is a Time To DECIDE to choose one path or another. The crucial word here is TIME because when your life clock points to the last hour, minute, and second it will be too late to change the Final Destination of your direction.

TODAY is the Day of Salvation. NOW is the Time.

What PATH have you decided to follow?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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