Article No. 0745

The Power Of
The Blood of Christ

“The blood of Jesus
Purifies us from all sin.”

1 John 1:7

SacredHeart There’s a old-time gospel hymn that boldly proclaims, There is POWER in the Blood!” but do you know what that means and why it is so important?!?

To those that hear that phrase, it sounds strange -and even morbid- but it is the single most powerful thing in existence! Why?!?

As today’s scripture verse says, it is and by through the Blood Of Jesus that not only has the power to save and redeem us, but His blood covers everything we need to live a life of healing, forgiveness, and protection and authority over the schemes of the devil!

The blood that ran through the veins of Jesus was HOLY BLOOD, because Jesus came to this earth through the DNA of His Father and was free from the tainted blood that all of us have received from Adam. The Bible says that “Life Is In The Blood” so as Christ is eternal, His blood is eternal and receiving His blood upon us is what make eternity possible for us.

Although you may not know Jesus personally, He knows you! No matter what circumstance you are in right now, or if you are living a life in sin — You Know It! So come to Jesus with a pure and open heart and ask for forgiveness, and the cleansing power of HIS BLOOD will wash it all away and make you clean and white as snow. From the blood of His Sacred Heart your life will be made clean!

Friend, the greatest expression of His love toward us is the Blood Of Jesus, and His love covers every need man has had or ever will have.

There is Power In The Sacred Blood Of Christ that heals and saves!

Will you receive this in your life?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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