Article No. 0743


“Pursue peace with everyone
As well as holiness without which
No one will see the Lord.”

Hebrews 12:14

TeachPeace If there is one thing that people say they want most in the world, it is PEACE, but what is peace?

Popular perception is that 'peace' means 'Lack Of Conflict' and while that is true, a deeper definition of peace is WHOLENESS.

You see, the opposite of PEACE is PIECES, so just as conflict divides people, true peace brings people together into WHOLENESS, and this is what Jesus meant when he said:

“I am leaving you with a gift—
Peace of Mind and Heart.
The peace I give is a gift
The world cannot give.
Do not be troubled or afraid.”

John 14:27

This is why as today’s scripture verse says we must pursue and seek peace for the sake of people and the entire world, and that True Peace is only found from heaven above and not from earth below. That’s why Jesus said two verses earlier in John 14:26 that He would send the Holy Spirit and that He Will TEACH YOU ALL THINGS, and that message is teaching wholeness to people and to a divided, broken world.

Friend, seek peace and pursue it, because the wholeness that His perfect peace begins in you will bring you from this life to the next...and will also help bring the TRUE PEACE of WHOLENESS to the world.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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