Article No. 0733

The Correct
Equation For

“Not by works of righteousness
Which we have done,
But according to his mercy
He saved us.”

Titus 3:5

BadFormula Most people have a mistaken idea of what it takes to get into heaven. Their formula is simple: Do a bunch a good works, be kind to people, and live a moral life as best as you can and you will go to heaven.

...but that ’s not what the Bible teaches.

As today’s verse — and many others like it says — it is not by our good deeds or right-living that we do in this life that saves us, but God’s mercy on our lives. But then the question is 'How do you receive God’s mercy?' and that answer is simple.

It’s not just saying the so-called 'sinners prayer,' going forward at a church service, or getting baptized. It is a commitment to turning away from living a life that accepts a sin here-and-there as 'ok' and living life as you see fit. Instead it is placing God truly first as the head and LORD of your life, living based on and by God’s Word and not by what a church teaches or popular opinion about the bible or god.

What is at stake here is YOUR ETERNAL DESTINY. I would not be your friend if I did not tell you the alternatives are HEAVEN -or- HELL. Don’t buy into the popular lie that Hell is where the party is. The exact opposite is true.

2 Parts Good Works over MORAL LIVING does NOT = “ETERNAL LIFE.” God is offering His MERCY to all those that desire it. You cannot earn it.

Will you seek it?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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