Article No. 0732

Deception Is

“Don’t be like children
Blown about like wind believing All kinds of strange ideas
From People using cleaver cunning to MISLEAD YOU.”

Ephesians 4:14

DeceptionControl The difficult part for people that have been deceived is that they don’t realize that they have been deceived, and even more difficult is convincing them they Are Deceived.

You see, TRUTH is truth, and that means it’s not what you think is truth, what someone is telling you is truth, or what everybody else believes is truth. It is not determined by popular vote, popular culture, or popular movements. When what is believed to be truth is not true, it is a LIE, and once you believe the lie, you are and have been deceived, and in fact so well deceived that it becomes a lie to believe that you have been deceived.

If that is the case, how is it possible to know what is true and not a lie? And the answer is 'Consider The Source.'

Jesus said a good tree puts out good fruit, but a bad tree evil fruit. Jesus also said that Satan is “The Father of LIES” and that he does not stand for truth nor is there any truth in him. If you want to tell truth from lies, look at the people, principles and practices that surround that idea. Are they Good & Righteous? Productive & Profitable? Are they bearing forth fruits of peace and wholeness - or diversity and division?

Friend, if you are deceived, the only way you can see truth is to turn your ears to the father of truth, and away from the father of lies.

This short message can’t do that, but you can if you decide to change your mind about what you believe and why you believe it.

There is a reliable source of truth out there, and it is from the tree that always bears GOOD FRUIT.

Seek the fruit from that tree, and you’ll always find THE TRUTH. (John 10:10)

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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