Article No. 0731

The Most Reliable
Promise Keeper

“Not a single one of all the
Good promises the LORD had given …
Was left unfulfilled;
Everything he had spoken
Came TRUE.”

Joshua 21:45

BrokenPromise My father was a very good man and I loved him dearly. He was devoted to our family, always showed love to us children, was generous, and did special things that were thoughtful and kind, but there was one thing my Dad would occasionally do that always disappointed me.

My father had a Flying A gas station next door to where we lived in San Francisco, and at times an urgent problem would come up on his day off that he had to attend to. Although he had PROMISED to take us to Golden Gate Park that day, the interruption always took precedence, and when it did,I never forgot the disappointment of those missed park outings.

We all have had promises made to us that were broken, but one thing is sure — The PROMISES of God has made are NEVER left unfulfilled, and you can always count on Him keeping His word.

2 Corinthians 1:20 says “All the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen,” so while even people that dearly love us can let us down, God will NEVER let us down.

Count on every promise He has made in His word, and you will never be disapointed.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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