Article No. 0730

What You Think
It Is

“Take my yoke upon you,
And learn of me for
And lowly in heart and
Ye shall find rest unto your souls.”

Matthew 11:29

TrueMeekness In the classic movie 'The Wizard of Oz,' Dorothy, trembling as she approaches the wizard says, “I am Dorothy, the small and meek,” and like Wally Cox and other feeble characters since then, meekness has always been equated with weakness — but that is not what Jesus means and in fact it means the exact opposite.

The Greek definition is 'gentle,' but a deeper understanding is that of having Patient Restraint. Notice that Jesus not so coincidentally associates meekness here with the YOKE, which implies the harnessing of a powerful animal.

A race horse, while domesticated and carefully trained patiently restrains strength until the racing gate flies open and they explode in power.

True meekness is actually POWER UNDER CONTROL.

Jesus later promises in the Beatitudes that “The MEEK shall inherit the earth,” and he is speaking of the time when those that have patiently endured the trials of the tribulation shall live with Christ in the Millenium. These are those who have faithfully persevered, waiting to finally find and enjoy the 'Rest In Their Souls' that Jesus promises to the faithful.

Friend, we are called not to be weak in this life, but like a champion race horse, to patiently apply the power that we have as the Lord’s co-workers by “taking His yoke upon us.”

Endure the trials and race of this life in MEEKNESS, not Weakness!

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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