Article No. 0729

Living On
Borrowed Time

“Thou oh Lord art a God
Merciful and Gracious!
Slow to anger and abundant in
Loving-kindness and truth.”

Psalm 86:15

BorrowedTime In today’s volatile world, we never know what calamity or catastrophe might happen next. But with such uncertainty about an unpredictable future should we be frightened?

The answer is NO — and here’s why…

Jesus warns us in Matthew chapter 24 that just like the time before the great flood, people would be living life to the fullest amidst a time so full of evil that the world would have to be destroyed. All had a chance to escape into the safety of the ark — But That Time Was Limited. Then the Bible says “…the door to the ark was shut” (Genesis 7:16) and those taken away were SAVED in time, but those left behind were LOST in Borrowed Time.

The Bible says that those that enter into the safety of the ark of salvation by seeing, heeding, and redeeming these evil times will be taken up in a supernatural event called “The Rapture.” This event can and will happen at ANY TIME, and while you’re still alive, you are on Borrowed Time. However, God is gracious, merciful and compassionate toward sinners! His great gifts to humanity are Grace & Mercy, and TIME to repent, TIME to believe in Him and His Son, and TIME to make a decision to do so. While His patience is long suffering — But Be Forewarned! the time that you are now living in is BORROWED TIME.

Friend, as today’s scripture verse reminds us, God is indeed slow to anger and loving, but he won’t wait for you forever. We all have only so much time left and it is indeed borrowed time.

If you have not given your life to Jesus, please do it NOW. He is waiting on you to make the most important decision you will ever make. Your time is currently borrowed.

Don’t let your time run out.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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