Article No. 0726

The Only Variable
In This Equation
Is You

“Count it all joy when
You fall into various TRIALS
Knowing that the testing of your FAITH
Produces PATIENCE.”

James 1:2-3

FaithTimePatience Some things in life are constant, while others are variable.

For example TIME is a constant because it moves at a continuous unalterable rate. We cannot vary it’s speed faster or slower, but over the linear bar of time, we can increase or decrease the value of the variable of FAITH that we apply.

When we evaluate the formula of “Faith over Time,” the only way to arrive at the perfect product of Patience depends entirely on the value of of Faith we assign it.

You see, God wants to work in all of his children to have his character, and he uses the test of Faith-over-Time through TRIAL to get us there.

Consider Moses tending sheep alone for forty years, or Job long-suffering through trial, and even David faithfully performing his duty as a lowly shepherd. In each case, the Godly character of patience was developed to perfection because the full and correct value of FAITH was applied in each of their 'Patience Equations!'

The degree of PATIENCE that you will gain in your life depends entirely on how much faith you apply, so as you go through the trials of life, apply the Full Measure of FAITH — and it will always resolve to a Godly result.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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