Article No. 0725

Is This Understanding
“Hidden From You?”

“And They did not understand
Any of this and the meaning was
HIDDEN From Them.”

Luke 18:34

UnderstandingOrHidden Sometimes things are 'hidden' from us because what we’ve heard was so preposterous as to not be believable. Such was the case with Jesus’ followers as he was about to make his triumphant entry into Jerusalem. The anticipation of all was that He was the Messiah, and as the King of Israel he’d overthrow the occupying Romans and usher in the new kingdom. Instead Jesus tells them:

“The Son Of Man will be BETRAYED…they will CONDEMN him to death…and MOCK and spit on him.”
Mark 10:33

As today’s verse from the Gospel of Luke implies they just 'Didn’t Get It' and ESPECIALLY did not get the many times previously that he told them that he would be crucified, die, be buried — and then Rise From The Dead.

If you are like the fellow on the right, you 'Get That' but for many like the fellow on the left, this makes absolutely no sense, and is in fact NONSENSE.

Friend, while this may seem preposterous, this is the heart of the Gospel — plain and simple:

Jesus Christ was God made man and came to earth to deliver and save us from sin and death. At the cross he died, and by the sacrifice of his blood paid the price for the sins of ALL who would simply believe and confess this as TRUE. For those that do, by his grace he gives eternal life and frees all from the condemnation of both physical and spiritual death.

Is the idea that Christ died, was raised from the dead, and now is alive TRUE?

...or is it still “Hidden From You?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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