Article No. 0724

Make Prayer
Your Priority

“Now in the morning,
Having risen a long while before daylight
He (Jesus) went out and departed
To a solitary place
And there he prayed.”

Mark 1:35

JesusPrayingInTheMorning Jesus rose up early before all the distractions of the noisy world not just to pray a simple short prayer to cross it off His list, but enjoyed a two-way conversation with His Father. Can you imagine how wonderful those conversations had to have been?!?

Prayer for Jesus was His number one priority, because His mission on earth depended upon His Father’s divine revelations and direction to His Son. Jesus never ever acted upon anything of importance without praying first to God and this is why we are need to follow His example.

You see, we are not to determine the agenda of our daily lives, God is. Our world is full of many needs, and we are to help meet those needs by doing whatever God directs us to do. Prayer allows us to hear God speak to us and to discern His will for us. Prayers help us to divert our attention away from this world which is becoming more chaotic every day and to focus on our Father in heaven.

Friend, ask yourself;
-How do I begin each day?
-Do I start my day with prayer,
or am I too easily distracted with my day’s agenda?”

If you haven’t made prayer your first priority each morning and throughout your waking hours, start spending your time in prayer first thing every day. When you do you will discover the closest relationship with the very best friend you can have who will guide and direct your life each day in the perfect direction.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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