Article No. 0721

Now Is
The Time
To Stand Firm
This Ground

“Occupy Until
I Come.”

Luke 19:13

Occupy Jesus told a parable about a King who left his kingdom, instructing his ten servants to occupy and multiply what he had given them until his return. Out of the ten, eight hated and cursed the master and thanklessly stole what was given them, one did nothing positive or negative with what was given and just sat on it, but the last two not only stood their ground but added to their Lord’s kingdom.

This is a direct parallel to what the faithful servants of God are to do in the world today! The eight represent those that do not believe in God, the one that did nothing are those that believe and fear God in word but do nothing except live their life, and the last two are those that are STANDING and OCCUPYING and GROWING the Kingdom in preparation for Christ’s return.

Today, instead of holding up Godly values, there is ever increasing cultural pressure to accept all kinds of diversity, inclusiveness and acceptance of ANY & EVERY thought or thing no matter how offensive or vile. Even now more than ever in a world that is moving closer and closer to evil and away from God, it is vital – just as Jesus said that we say NO! “Occupy Until I Come!”

This is not a Passive Prerogative or an Optional Opinion, but an OPERATIONAL ORDER by the commander of creation to not just hold the ground given, but to prosper it and prepare it for his return.

Friend, if you are in Christ, be a faithful servant in His Kingdom! Now more than ever is the time to stand your ground, despite political correctness, ridicule, or even persecution and OCCUPY just as the Lord’s prayer instructs — “Thy Kingdom Come, THY WILL BE DONE.”

Which of the ten are you?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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