Article No. 0719

Are You Following
A False

“Then many false prophets
Will rise up and deceive many.
And because lawlessness
Will Abound,
The love of many will grow cold.”

Matthew 24:11-12

ProphetsOfGod There is so much uncertainty today that people want to know what’s going to happen. As a result, over the last few years, there has been a dramatic rise of Christian 'prophets' that in some cases are even claiming daily revelations from God. While God can and speak to and through people, it is vitally important to discern the 'voices' who proclaim themselves as “true” prophets of God, or if they are False Prophets.

Jeremiah was one of the great Old Testament prophets. He wrote extensively that his heart was broken because all of the many false prophets, calling them profane. Today 2,000 years later false prophets are continuing to lead people astray, and the question then like now is how and why?

In a world that seeks instant gratification and easy answers, false prophets give people what they want to hear as easily as many say 'Hey Siri (or) Alexa!' However the Bible warns us to be guarded and wise to test everything we hear, and the absolute best filter of discernment is knowing what The Bible says.

In addition to embellishing deep, once-hidden-now-revealed pseudo-truths, they can also be identified by over stressing happiness, prosperity and minimizing sin or repentance. They often expound that 'God is Love' but avoid difficult truths like God’s righteousness and judgement. Some even go so far as to say there are multiple ways or faith-journeys to get to heaven while others discount verses or sections of the Bible as inaccurate, irrelevant, or mistranslated.

Friend, do not be mislead by things that tickle your ears and sound good. Truth invites scrutiny, but error runs from it. Test these voices by evaluating if these people’s lives are bearing Good or BAD fruit, but most of all hold all teaching up to the true light of scripture and you will always be able to discern truth from error.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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