Article No. 0718

False Light

“If you accept the false
'truths' of the
Spirit of Jezebel
You will be

Revelation 2:20

NoTruthChannel The Book of Revelation is not a 2,000 year old book. Rather, for those that compare it to the growing chaos in the world it’s instead a 21st century news ticker that explains exactly what is going on and WHY — but only for those looking at it.

Just as the Bible predicted, in these end times instead of people looking at reality, just as George Orwell said in his infamous book 1984, “They will be too busy looking at their screens” and being programmed to believe every misleading lie that is repeatedy being broadcast. As a result, the masses are being tricking into thinking that what they see is a 'warming' TrutH.

You see, the problem is that most people don’t want TRUTH — they just want constant reassurance that what they Believe IS TRUE. Just as a fireplace burning on a TV screen cannot keep you warm, you likewise can’t get truth from it either.

Friend, the only realiable source of truth and light is found from both the creator of truth and light and that is Jesus Christ and God’s 100% reliable guiding truth, the Bible.

What do you believe is the source of truth?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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