Article No. 0716


Romans 3:23

Koko In 1971 at the San Francisco zoo, Penny Patterson, a young graduate student in psychology at Stanford University agreed to care for a baby gorilla who was sick and abandoned by her mother. What started as a care-giving mission turned into a four decades relationship and science experiment where over her 37-year life, Koko the gorilla learned to communicate with over 1,000 signs. One particular conversation she had with Patterson was revealing about the fallen nature of the world.

Koko and a companion gorilla got into an argument in the house where they lived, and Koko in anger tore a sink off the wall. When Patterson saw this on video she came in and asked Koko who was responsible, and she pointed at the other gorilla and signed “HE DID IT!”

You see, the Bible says that when Adam and Eve sinned “…sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.” (Romans 5:12) and this sin caused all creation to fall, and that is why there is evil, sickness, disease (and mosquitos!) in the world.

Jesus said “Let him without sin, cast the first stone” and that’s the point — NO ONE IS WITHOUT SIN — but many sadly ignore this. 1 John 1:8 says, “If we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.” However the GOOD NEWS (literally GOSPEL) is that although we all still live in a fallen world, Jesus Christ came to free us and forgive us of our sin. This is, plain and simple, the message of the Gospel, and this leaves all of us to answer these two questions...

1) Am I a sinner just like Koko?
2) Will I continue to deceive myself about my need to be free from it and receive the truth of Christ and His redemming power in my life?

Friend, Koko showed us despite her kindness and intelligence that she too was a sinner.

How about you...and what will you do about it?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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