Article No. 0710

You May
Know the PLAN
But Do You
Know The MAN?

“That I may KNOW HIM and
The power of His resurrection and
The fellowship of His sufferings,
Being conformed to His death”

Philippians 3:10

I-Never-Knew-You If you ask some church members, “What does the Bible say about being saved?” they may say something like, 'Well, I guess it means following the Bible, going to church, being a good person, and saying Jesus is Lord.' Sadly there are people that call themselves 'christians' that feel that being or doing certain things that are good is all that is required to being accepted by God and that they will go to heaven. However, that is not what the Bible says.

As today’s scripture says we must KNOW CHRIST, not just KNOW ABOUT CHRIST, so even though these folks may know the PLAN, they do not know the MAN.

Jesus likewise will sadly tell those, when they stand before Him at the door of eternity...

“And then will I profess unto them,
Depart from me,
ye that work iniquity.”

Matthew 7:23

Being a Christian and Christianity is not about knowing doctrine, theology, belonging to a good church, behaving well or doing good works. Instead, being a Christian is having a personal relationship with God, much like a child has with their father, and that is why we refer to him as “Our Heavenly Father.”

Friend, if this message strikes a nerve about where you are with God, look carefully at yourself and honestly ask, “Do I truly know Christ - and when I see Him - will he tell me that HE KNOWS ME??

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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