Article No. 0708

Verily, Verily
Truly, Truly
Amen & AMEN!

“Teacher, we know that you
Speak and teach rightly, and
Show no partiality, but
TRULY teach the way of God.”

Luke 2:21

Amen Whenever something is repeated in the Bible, God is asking us to Pay Attention!

Twenty-Five times Jesus used the phrase “Truly, Truly” and when all these verses are aggregated, it reads in the paraphrase that follows:

Verily, Verily I say unto you...

When you were young you thought yourself strong,
you went and did whatever you wanted,
but as you moved towards the end of your life
you realized you needed help and reached out
your hands to take you to a place you could not
go on your own.

But those that have been deaf will now hear my voice,
and those that do and believe in God and believe in me
will not be condemned, but will pass beyond that
place of death and go unto eternal life.

Before Abraham was, I AM, and in ancient days
manna sustained people seeking after God,
but your Heavenly Father is now offering you
Now is the time to eat and drink from me as
but those that do not will not have my life in you.

All those that do not are in sin,
and are the servants of sin.
Although there are some that seek me, and
have been filled with the good food of my sayings
many still do not receive my testimony.

Instead, those that do not enter into my sheepfold
but try entering into eternity by their own way
are trying to steal their way in like a thief and a robber.

But I am the door of the sheep, and
of water and of the Spirit,
you cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
All those that keep my sayings will never see death.

On earth I did nothing of my own but
I did what I saw the Father do.
Likewise for all that believe in me,
the works that I do
you will also do - and even greater!
Because I have gone unto my Father,
you do not have to ask me anything because
whatever ye will ask the Father in my name,
He will give it to you.
The servant is not greater than his lord,
neither he that is sent greater than he that sent him.

All those that receive those that I have sent receive me,
and all those that receive me receive God who sent me.

There was once one that betrayed me...
And another that denied me three times.

When a seed goes into the ground it has to die,
but afterwards springs forth and bears much fruit.
(I shall also go into the ground and die)
and you will be sorrowful while those against me will rejoice,
but your sorrow will be turned into joy,
especially when you see the time that heaven opens
and the angels of God will be
ascending and descending upon me.

'VERILY,' & 'TRULY' in the Greek New Testament is the word we know as 'AMEN' and truly these are the words and teachings that he wants us to have utmost in our minds.

Friend, as Jesus has said all these things to us, let us also respond saying 'AMEN!'

AMEN VERSES (all and only found in the Gospel of John):
John 1:51, 3:03, 3:05, 3:11, 5:19, 5:24, 5:25, 6:26,
6:32, 6:47, 6:53, 8:34, 8:51, 8:58, 10:01, 10:07, 12:24,
13:16, 13:20, 13:21, 13:38, 14:12, 16:20, 16:23, 21:18

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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