Article No. 0702

Your Direction
Is More Important Than
Your Speed

“He that is swift of foot
Shall not deliver himself.”

Amos 2:15

GoingFastNowhere Everyone is in a hurry these days, and while people are rushing to and fro, they may want to reconsider the direction they’re heading instead of how fast they are going.

The reality is that we are all rushing to one final destination, and that is that is — life as we know it is going to end at some point. Instead, we’re rushing down the street of life without considering how important it is to safely arrive at our FINAL DESTINATION.

The prophet Amos reminded the Jews how God miraculously saved them from the Egyptians and through the Red Sea, yet in the years following were 'swift of foot' to make haste in their own direction instead of moving towards God.

Friend, are you laying skid marks rushing towards things you think are important? If so consider it’s not how fast or how much you do in this life that is important, but setting your heart on where you are going and how you are going to get there.

Christ is the way. The Bible is the map.

Are you rushing towards God, or to somewhere else?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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