Article No. 0698

An Invitation
Too Good To

“Come unto me,
All ye that labour and
Are heavy laden, and
I will give you rest.”

Matthew 11:28

InvitationToHeaven Have you ever received an invitation that was so good that you just could not turn it down?

I have!

For over a decade, I consulted on technology issues on Capitol Hill and was invited by a famous senator to have lunch with him and his staff in the Senate Dining Room in the Capitol to brief him on my work. Around us were a bevy of eminent lawmakers. It was an hour that I’ll never forget, and an invitation which I could never turn down that very few have the privilege of receiving.

On the contrary there is a Far Greater Invitation that is available to EVERYONE, and that is an invitation not for an hour, but for an eternity to not be with lawmakers, but with the MAKER of the LAW — The LORD God himself for all eternity. He is extending his offer to join Him at the Heavenly banquet table, and all you need to do is say that you want to be there.

Friend, do NOT turn down this royal request! Accept God’s invitation to you into eternity.

Have you RSVP’d to His request?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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