Article No. 0697

Just Because You
Don’t Understand
Something Doesn’t Mean
It’s Not True

Which hath been hid from ages
And from generations,
But now is made manifest to his saints.”

Colossians 1:26

CarlinItsAMystery The iconic comedian George Carlin often derided the Bible by saying whenever there was something that seemed a bit wacky, he explained it in a mocking tone saying, “Well…It’s A MYSTERY.” While a humorous tag line, it raises an interesting question.

Does that mean that because we don’t understand something, therefore it must be UNTRUE?!?

That was the dilemma Sir Isaac Newton faced after discovering the principle of gravity. He proved scientifically it existed, but did not know HOW it worked, and today we STILL don’t understand how it works, yet we all depend upon it! Does that mean gravity is untrue?

Likewise, just because there are parts of the Bible that are not understandable doesn’t mean the entire book is a false fable of fabrications.

The Bible says that all scripture is inspired by God (2 Timothy 3:16) and that God cannot lie (Titus 1:2), so given that, while we may not totally understand, we can totally trust it is true.

Are you open to trusting God at His Word, even if you do not fully understand it?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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