Article No. 0692

No One Has To
Teach You
How To SIN

“People become enemies of God
When they are controlled
By their human nature,
For they do not obey God’s law,
And in fact -

Romans 8:7

SinfulBaby There’s nothing cuter than babies! Their expressions of wonderment, inquisitive nature of the world, precious expressions and interaction with parents and others are always entertaining and heartwarming – that is…until the first temper tantrum!

That’s right! If you have been a parent or a dotting uncle or aunt, you’ve seen these fits of displeasure, anger and even rage by these budding 'little angels!' Then when the terrible twos come, there are the outbursts of “Mine!”, “NO!”, and “I DON’T WANT TO!!!”

The truth is we do not have to be taught how to sin because we are all born with it. Romans 5:12 says that when Adam sinned, sin entered into the world and all of us have inherited sin as part of our human nature, and with the nature of sin comes the curse of physical death, but also spiritual death. But here’s the Good News (literally the meaning of the word 'Gospel.')

While we were all born into sin, we can be free from it through Christ who conquered both sin and death at His cross. What is required from you to receive this victory over sin and death is simple. Agree with God that you are a sinner, ask Him to forgive you of your sins and decide to change your mind about following your natural sinful ways and yield your life to Christ as the one who directs your life, instead of your natural sinful self.

Is this easy? NO! The life of discipleship (i.e. discipline) to follow Christ requires putting off your old ways and living a life that leads to eternal life. While we will never completely stop sinning and making mistakes in this life, we can through Christ put on his nature and share in his victory over sin and death

We are, by nature, just like those little babies, but as 1 Corinthians 13:11 tells us:

“When I was a child,
I Spake as a child,
I Understood as a child,
I Thought as a child:
But when I became a man,
I put away childish things.

Therefore friend, put off the old nature of the temper tantrum of sin and put on the sin redeeming nature of Christ.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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