Article No. 0690

The Wilderness!

“The Spirit drove Jesus
Into the wilderness
For forty days where he was
Tempted by Satan.”

Mark 1:12-13

EmbraceTheWilderness Why was Jesus subjected to be tempted by the devil?

Well, for the same reason we all face every day, and that is, to learn how to successfully overcome temptation.

This hard test was an extreme example to show that no matter what the devil offered him, He was strong enough mentally, physically, and spiritually to overcome temptation and he did this by boldly declaring the Word of God to rebuke every temptation the devil offered Him. His example in the wilderness showed us how we also can be VICTORIOUS in our daily temptations as well.

Today, we too are living our lives in the 'Wilderness Of The World' where we are constantly exposed to The World, The Flesh, and The Devil. Yet, because “The power that raise Christ from the dead dwells in us” (Romans 8:11) and by also standing on the Word of God as Jesus showed us, we too can overcome temptation.

Friend, if you find yourself at times seemingly unable to turn away from a temptation, just as Christ had victory, so you too can have victory. Remember Jesus’ example and Embrace the Wilderness!

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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