Article No. 0689

What Exactly Is
About Halloween?

“Make a distinction
Between the HOLY and the Profane, and
Between the unclean and the clean.”

Leviticus 10:10

Witch+JackOLantern Why each year do people celebrate a curious holiday that features skeletons, snakes, spiders, witches, DARKNESS and anything spooky, sinister, and even SATANIC? What is so special about this day that all that normally is shunned instinctively by people is suddenly embraced as fun?

Well, the core word of 'Halloween' tells us exactly what you are really venerating and celebrating!

Just as Eve was tricked into partaking of the sweetness of the forbidden fruit, the trick in Halloween is not just sweet candy, but to trick you into honoring everything that is the opposite of God and Light.

The core word of HALLOWED means “Belonging to or derived from or associated with a divine power; something made HOLY.” So think about what this means — to celebrate Halloween is to make HOLY all things DARK and EVIL.

In the Lord’s prayer we say, “Our Father who art in heaven, HALLOWED be THY NAME” So which one should be revered? That which is DARK or that which is LIGHT?

We all can make choices of how to live our lives. Free candy and parties have their appeal, but making a distinction between that which is holy and profane might be a better choice.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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