Article No. 0685

I’m Going To
Make Him an Offer
He CAN Refuse

“ I am come in my
Father’s name
And ye receive me not.”

John 5:43

RefusedOffer In the iconic movie The Godfather, 'The Don' utters the infamous line “I’m going to make him an offer he can’t refuse.’ This could mean that the fellow HAD to do it (or it was 'curtains' for him!) OR he’d give this man something so valuable he just couldn’t turn it down.

However, God’s proposition is the Exact Opposite.

While The Godfather’s offer is something you CAN’T refuse, God’s offer is something you CAN refuse that will mean that it WILL be 'curtains' for you, and you’ll be forfeiting something extremely valuable that you’ll eternally regret.

You see, salvation from this world into eternity is simply a matter of saying YES to God and NO to death, yet despite this great deal, many (maybe you?) see no value in this offer...and refuse it.

Friend, don’t miss out on the greatest offer you’ll ever get. God’s plan of salvation is a no-cost, no-risk guaranteed gift. Say yes to this OFFER — And Do NOT Refuse It!

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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