Article No. 0684

Are You Getting
Your 'Ticket Punched'
To Get Into Heaven?

“He saved us,
NOT on the basis of (our good) deeds
Which we have done in (our self-) righteousness,
But according to His mercy.”

Titus 3:5 • Galatians 2:16 • 2 Timothy 1:9 • Romans 3:20

TicketToHeaven Perhaps one of the biggest misnomers about how one gets to heaven is that it is like a frequent flyer loyalty program. That is, each time you do a good deed you get another punch on your ticket to heaven. Then when your ticket is fully punched, your flight there is free and guaranteed!

But that is NOT what the Bible says.

As the leading verse in this message says — and many, many others like it say — salvation comes from faith and profession in Christ alone and His atonement for our sins. While living a good life, being a good person, and helping others and being a contributor to the world are all good and worthwhile, all the punches in the ticket of good works is worthless when it comes to standing before God.

Friend, it is in Christ alone as your deliverer from sin and death that is the key to eternal life in heaven. You cannot do it through your own efforts, morality, or works. Put your complete faith and trust in Him and He can and will transport you from this world to the next.

...and no ticket is required!

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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