Article No. 0681

You Can
Kneel NOW

“Every Knee shall BOW…”
Isaiah 45:23 | Romans 14:11 | Philippians 2:10

KneelToChrist There once was a popular movement of athletes kneeling before a game to signal their devotion to a cause. This was a voluntary act of the will, and no one required them to do it.

However as today’s verses all reaffirm, someday we will ALL kneel. For some it will be VOLUNTARY in devotion to Christ, but for others it will be MANDATORY in recognition to those that refused to give devotion to something eternally greater when they had the chance.

You see, you can choose to KNEEL NOW to Christ of your own free will and recognize Him for who He is, or you can choose not to, only to realize too late that He is the KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.

Friend, that day when all will kneel WILL COME. For those kneeling in adoration, it will be a time of great joy, for those out of obligatory acknowledgement, kneeling will be unimaginably more sorrowful.

Friend, make the decision Today to where your devotion lies! Kneel to Christ as your KING OF KINGS — to Him who is indeed the LORD OF LORDS.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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