Article No. 0679

Pick A Card
Any Card (?)

“CHOOSE for yourselves
This day
Whom you will serve”

Joshua 24:15

Pick-A-Card-Religon When it comes to religion, like a deck of cards, there are many choices!

Some choose the ATHEIST card, others the BUDDIST card or ISLAM or CONFUCIANISM card, or a variety of others. There are MANY choices of what to believe, but which one is correct?

Whether we realize it or not, everyone picks a religion (or no religion) card, but what card should YOU chose and why?

Some believe all religions are the same and all lead to the same end, but just like in a card deck, all cards do not have the same value. While all may have their merits, there are some cards that are higher, and there is ONE card that trumps all other cards.

Which card is the right card? I don’t think a simple message like this can help you decide, but do this — there is ONE card that is the highest card that is above all others. As today’s Bible verse concludes, what you choose is what you will wind up serving — and that doesn’t mean just in this life, but also in the next.

It’s your choice. Choose thoughtfully and wisely.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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