Article No. 0678

The Differentiator
GOoD and GOD

“Mary sat at the Lord’s feet
Listening to what he taught, but
Martha was distracted by preparing the dinner.”

Luke 10:39-40

Good+O This story from the Gospel of Luke gives an excellent example of how doing 'good' can distract you from the most important things in life.

Imagine this scene!

Jesus Christ, The Messiah, is in YOUR home and you have a chance to have a private audience with Him! But instead of enjoying that moment you are Obsessed and Obligated to Objectively Organize an Occasion that Occupies your Oftimes. Wow-that’s adding a lot of “Os to GOD, yet this is the trap that is easy to fall into!

You see, in this life we can, and are, easily distracted from God, by doing 'good' — and adding “O-ther things to God that instead are a DISTRACTION, and not the help to God that we think it is.

On the other hand, there is nothing wrong with ENJOYING other GOOD things in life like golf, vacations, movies and other things, but adding that letter 'O' can be a huge distraction from what is truly important. Instead, learn from the lesson of Martha and be careful to not let yourself be distracted by O-ther things in the world. Indeed do good things, either for yourself or for God, but not at the 'o-ccluding' of God from your life.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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