Article No. 0671

Rekindle Your
Love For

“Because you are Lukewarm
—Neither HOT nor COLD
I am about to spit you out of my mouth.”

Revelation 3:16

LukewarmFlame Nothing would be more devastating than to hear these words from Jesus, and it begs the question we all ought to ask:

How would you rate YOUR love and commitment for God? Is it close, devoted, and reverent? Or casual, presumptive, or lacadaisical?

If you don’t reverence the Lord as Almighty, the Creator who MADE YOU and LOVES YOU wholeheartedly and have not this same union with Him in your heart, your 'lukewarmness' might as well be ICY COLD.

Friend, if this is the case in your life, look inside your heart and examine where you stand with the Lord. If you need to rekindle your love for God, don’t stay in a rebellious or indifferent state! Instead pray:

Dear LORD,
I have cooled my heart towards you. Please forgive me, Lord. I am so sorry, and I ask You to soften my heart, because I realize how much you love me. I don’t want to be lukewarm in my life towards you, but  instead to rightfully honor you as my Lord and God with my whole heart on fire for you from this moment on for the rest of my life. — AMEN

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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