Article No. 0666

The Number
Everyone Knows
But No One

“Here is wisdom.
Let him that hath understanding
Count the number of the beast,
For it is the number of a man,
And his NUMBER is
Six Hundred Threescore and Six.”

Revelation 13:18

666 This is the 666th “Your Daily Note” and it is fitting that this message is dedicated to this well known, but still mysterious and ominous number.

Most people recognize 666 as something evil and sinister, but as this verse instructs, one is advised to search out and recognize what this means as it will have immense future ramifications one day (soon?) on all people in the world.

Biblical prophecy — and by Jesus himself — says that the world will enter a time of trouble greater than any in all of history. It will be marked by war, famine, pestilences, and great natural disasters, all of which will increase in frequency like pregnancy birth pangs in a seven year period called THE TRIBULATION. It will begin with a 'great reset' of the peoples of the earth to culminate into a one world government led by one man called THE ANTI-CHIRST who will control all activity.

Despite our best efforts, no one knows *exactly* what 666 precisely means, nor can we determine who this 'BEAST' and “Son Of Perdition” is today, but given the signs happening in the world it is clear the time of the Anti-Christ and the MARK OF THE BEAST OF MR. 666 is coming Soon.

The Bible says in Proverbs 21:31 that “The horse (i.e. money, power, provisions, 'prepping') is prepared (in vain) against the day of battle (i.e. trouble or tribulation) but SAFETY is of the LORD.“ The WRATH of the evil man of 666 will come upon the world, and the only REAL safety from him and the Great Reset, New World Order, and Mark of the Beast of 666 is in Jesus Christ.

Friend, the world is spinning faster and faster out of control. The warning signs of evil are growing daily. Turn your life to Christ and receive this promise:

“For God hath not appointed us to WRATH,
But to obtain SALVATION
By our Lord Jesus Christ”

1 Thessalonians 5:9

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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