Article No. 0663

At The End Of Your Life
How Will You Be Paid?

“The Wages of SIN
Is DEATH but
The gift of God is
Through Jesus Christ”

Romans 6:23

PaymentReceivedForLife In our working life, we get paid a WAGE for the fruit of our labors, but did you know when your life ends you will also be paid? The question is what Kind Of Payment will you receive, and how is that determined?

Most people think that it’s simply a matter of counting pluses and minuses so that the more GOOD things you do in your life outweighs the BAD, but that is not what the Bible says!

The problem is that any 'bad' thing you’ve done is counted as SIN, and sin is NOT erased by doing more good. The Bible also says that anyone that perfectly manages to keep all of the laws But Breaks Even One is as guilty as a person who has broken all of God’s laws. [ James 2:10 ] However while this is an impossible feat, there is an easy answer!

The Apostle John wrote that “Christ is the sacrifice that takes away our sins” (for all those that believe this), and Isaiah 1:18 also promises us “Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.” If you believe in your heart, and profess with your mouth to ask God to forgive you of your sins, he then REMOVES that 'DEBT' of sin and wipes the slate clean such that your sin debt has a ZERO BALANCE. Then and only then will you receive the reward of the “Gift of God” versus the “Wages of Sin” of Death.

We never know when our job and time on life here will be over. If so, what wage would you receive for your life today if your life were to end? If you are not 100% sure, you can be. Receive from God the free gift of wiping out your sin death and be counted with the righteous and you will receive the sure payment of eternal life.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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