Article No. 0662


“Many today have traded the truth
about God creating the world as a LIE.
Instead people are worshiping and Serving the EARTH
Instead of Worshipping GOD
Who created it!”

Romans 1:25

WhatYouWorship This highly paraphrased - but more understandable rendering of today’s Bible verse – is an accurate description of the actions and attitudes of people, politics, and popular policies constantly being pushed today.

“SAVE THE PLANET!” they cry, “We only have (fill in your favorite ### to make your point) years left!” The answer, they cry, is RECYCLE, 'Go Green' and “Reduce EMISSIONS!!!”

Now don’t get me wrong. Yes, we ARE to be good stewards of the earth, mindful of the eco-balance, and not wasteful in the use of resources, but the focus of worship, as today’s verse again reminds us, is not to be directed at worshipping the earth, but the one who created it.

With so much focus on the here and now and life on earth, many have lost track of what is really important and that is how to SAVE ONE’s SOUL.

Jesus said that “Heaven and earth shall pass away” [ Matthew 24:35 ] but your soul is eternal, and for you to pass into eternity with God requires not your Reducing EMISSIONS, but Confessing REMISSIONS for your sins.

Yes, we all have x-number of years left, but no matter what we do, the planet will eventually pass away…but you will not! In the end, it is not about EMISSIONS but REMISSIONS, because the only really important thing saving is your soul.

The planet cannot save mankind, but the cross of Christ CAN.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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