Article No. 0661

You can LAUGH Your Way
You Cannot Laugh Your Way
of Hell!

“Assign him (i.e. those that do not believe)
A place with the hypocrites, where there will be
Weeping and Gnashing of Teeth.”

Matthew 24:51

LaughYourWayToHell It’s no laughing matter!

Regardless of what you think, HELL is REAL, and despite the popular image of Jesus proclaiming love and wisdom, he spoke and warned more about HELL than heaven. Thinking this hell-business is some sort of religious malarkey is a huge mistake, and if ignored as today’s scripture says, once there there will be nothing but regret for laughing it off and instead will be great sorrow and anguish.

Like John the Baptist before him, Jesus’ mission was to preach REPENTENCE for people to turn towards God and away from sin. Why? Because as popular as the false assumption of “How could a 'loving god' send anyone to hell” saying is, it misses the point of what John and Jesus were warning us about! That is that after the road of life ends, instead of flailing off a cliff downwards to your doom, he is offering you a way UP. All you need do is take his offer to save you from a certain, everlasting, eternal fate.

Friend, if you have read this far, all I can say is that I’d rather risk offending you NOW into heaven, then flatter you with platitudes into Hell! Don’t be like these characters laughing off the 'This Way To Hell' sign! This is serious. The hypocrites, self-righteous and unrepentant will not inherit heaven, but instead there is a place for them of weeping and gnashing of teeth.

If you are still laughing, think again.

Because if this is true, YOU are the one that (NOT God) that decides to LAUGH or REPENT. It’s YOUR CHOICE, and YOU are the one that chooses hell over God...and that is NO LAUGHING MATTER.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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