Article No. 0660

The Entire Bible Can
Be Reduced Down
To This One

“OBEY my voice…
That it may be well unto you.”

Jeremiah 7:23

ObeyWordBible The Bible is not hard to understand, and the message that is states can be simply reduced to one word:


The problem for us mere mortals is that it is our nature to want to do things our own way. We don’t want anyone, even God, telling us what we need to do because we think we know what is best, but today’s verse — and dozens more like it — promises us that the best, most secure path through this life and the way to our biggest blessing in our lives is by faithfully following every direction God gives. In the end, when we do, “It may (and will) be well unto YOU!”

Friend, Obedience is the way, Faith are the steps we take towards obedience, and each step takes us that much closer to God and to the very best that we can receive in this life and the life to come.

Is your plan better than His? If so, that is NOT obedience, and in the end, it will NOT be well with you! Instead, trust God, be obedient to His ways, and He promises that it will indeed BE WELL UNTO YOU.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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