Article No. 0658

Is Truth Found By
Reason or Revelation?

“There is a way that
Seemeth right unto a man, but
The end thereof are
The ways of death”

Proverbs 16:25

DifferentMinds In the 1700’s, a movement called “The Age of Reason” taught that the way to find truth should be based solely on logic and intellectual examination. In particular it was counter to Christianity by advocating instead that 'natural religion' through observation, experimentation and the thinking mind was the only real way to 'truth.' As such, it specifically rejected heavenly revelation and the Bible as divinely-inspired truth, substituting THOUGHT to be the ultimate determinant of truth, justice, and living.

This begs the question, as Pontius Pilate once asked Jesus, “What is Truth?”

As today’s scripture verse says, natural observation of what one sees or perceives may seem logical and rational, but that line of reasoning in the end always ultimately fails. For example, the former League of Nations - and later the UN - as earnestly as they started, daily prove that the brightest minds of science, philosophy and diplomacy cannot bring the utopia that 'Reason' says should be an obvious conclusion.

Perhaps the biggest question and conclusion that most come to is, 'I *think* _______ will happen to me after I die.' How will you fill in the blank, and what was the source that brought you to that conclusion??? Was it because 'it seems right' to your mind?

Friend, are you willing To Bet Your ETERNITY On “A Way That Seems Right??” If so, go back and re-read today’s verse…and how it ends.

Perhaps the lens you should be looking through is the one on the RIGHT and, NOT the one on the LEFT.

Instead, Think On THAT...

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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