Article No. 0656

How Will You Be Paid
At The End Of Your Life?

“For the wages (i.e. salary) of sin
But the gift (i.e. reward) of God

Romans 6:23a

PaidInFullSin When your life is over, how will you be paid? Most people commonly assume that they will be rewarded by being a 'good person' and following the “Golden Rule,” and that their end reward will be heaven — but that is not what the Bible says.

You see just like on a job, if a grievance is filed against you it could mean suspension or even termination. Likewise before God, regardless how good or productive you have been in this life, your standing before him is not good because of a black mark on your record called SIN. The Bible says that all of us fall short of God in His eyes because of 'Sin' and our payment for sin is death.

If that is the case, how can that black sin mark against us be removed? And the answer to that is found in the second half of today’s verse where it says that the REWARD comes “Through Jesus Christ Our Lord.” [ Romans 6:23b ]

If you have read this far and have considered the consequences on your life, then the remedy is as simple as this:

  • KNOW that you are marked by sin
  • AGREE that Christ is the one who can erase that mark
  • TRUST God to deliver you from sin and bring salvation

Salvation cannot be earned, but how you are paid for the work of your life is up to you.

When your life is over, how will you be paid?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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