Article No. 0655

Is The Law
Greater Than

“(Don’t ) neglect to obey the really important
Teachings of the Law, such as
Justice and mercy and HONESTY.”

Matthew 23:23
(Paraphrased and shortened)

LawAndGodsOrder A sign above a cigarette case in a local store posed an interesting moral question, and that is, “Is obeying the LAW more important than doing what is RIGHT?”

As today’s quote from Jesus to the Pharisees emphasizes, while the LAW is good, executing the (proper) ORDER of what is good and righteous is far more important. However, today we live in a world where morality is not defined by What is RIGHT, but by What is LAWFUL.

For example in times past, adultery and sodomy were both considered both unlawful and immoral but in today’s world, laws like these and others have been rescinded such that they there are not only legal and acceptable by many, but actually CELEB RATED.

While most laws are indeed good, it is far more important to practice righteousness and godly behavior regardless of what is allowed under human law.

Friend, are you following God’s 'proper order' of decency and godliness or going with the socially acceptable 'Order Of The Day?'

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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