Article No. 0653

Are You The
or the

“I saw the dead, both unimportant and important,
Standing in front of the throne, and books were open.
Another book was opened—the Book of Life.
The dead were JUDGED according to their actions,
As recorded in the books.”

Revelation 20:12

TheAccused Today’s scripture verse points to a future time after life on earth where 'THE DEAD' stand accused before the throne of God and judged by their deeds written in the books that have detailed every wrongdoing in every life. For all of us, this would be a horrible place to stand, because, if you are really, REALLY honest with yourself, you cannot deny that there are things that you ( actually, ALL of us) have done that are wrong, mean, or rebellious.

These books are the proof that the prosecution brings railing against us to unto which there is no defense. The verdict must be GUILTY, and the punishment JUST, but there is a solution to this sure conviction.

Just as in an earthly court of law, there are the Accused and there are the Acquitted, but how can one be acquitted if the evidence is overwhelming? The answer is to have those wrongs (sins) PAID FOR by someone else, and that was done by Christ on your behalf. When He died on the cross and poured out His blood as a sacrifice, the Bible says that His Blood washed away the sins of the world. You, however, have to get 'under that blood covering' in order to have those sins erased, and you do that as the scripture says that if:

“...Thou shalt confess with thy mouth
the Lord Jesus,(i.e. as both LORD and GOD)
and shalt believe in thine heart that
God hath raised him from the dead,
thou shalt be saved. (i.e acquitted!)”

Romans 10:9

Friend, do not delay, because once you stand before that judge in that day, there will be no advocate on your behalf, and it will be too late to erase your sins, The Bible says that “TODAY is the day of salvation.” You CAN be acquitted — all you have to do is ask God for forgiveness and all your sins will be expunged from the record.

You can go from ACCUSED to ACQUITTED! Tomorrow may be too late.

Will you do that TODAY?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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