Article No. 0650

How Are You
$pending Your

“The Kingdom of heaven is like someone
Wanting to buy a perfect, priceless pearl,
And when they found it,
They sold everything in this life they had
And bought it.”

Matthew 13:45-46

PearlOfGreatPrice In life we all 'spend time' doing something. It could be our job, with our family, or a variety of things, both good or bad. Nevertheless we spend it, not really thinking that there is only so much life to spend before our life is totally spent! Then as we approach the end of life, be you a believer in God or not, you might look back and reflect on How exactly DID you “Spend Your Life?”

Today’s teaching from Jesus makes the point that while we can spend our life on a variety of things, once you find what is REALLY valuable, that you’ll want to do everything you can in order to get it. This 'Pearl of Great Price' is Obtaining Eternal Life and it far exceeds all the time and money you’ll ever spend on earth, and it comes by giving your life to the giver of your life, and that is the Lord God Almighty.

Jesus also said “Those who love their life in this world will lose it. Those who care nothing for their life in this world will keep it for eternity.” [John 12:25] That doesn’t mean that you sacrificially give up all and become a missionary to Africa or give away everything have and live on the street, but it does mean that if you value things other than that which is the most valuable — and that is the preciousness of your soul to God in eternity — that you’ll have foolishly spent your life on something that will eventually have no value.

Friend, before your life is completely spent, invest it into this “Pearl of Great Price” — ETERNAL LIFE. It is the only real thing of value to spend your life on!

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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