Article No. 0648

The One Thing
God Cannot

“If it seems evil to you
To serve the LORD,
Then choose who you
You will serve.”

Joshua 24:15

FreeWillChoices We all walk along a path of life, and each day put one foot in front of another. In doing so we choose the path of our feet, and the place where we end up is at the end of the road that we have willed ourselves to go.

While the Bible says that “A man“s heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps,” [ Proverbs 16:9 ] yet while God may direct us, it is OUR CHOICE and OUR WILL to heed that or not. The Holy Spirit is a gentleman and does not — or cannot force us — outside of our free will. It is our own independent choices that take us in the direction that we will go, both in this life — and determines our destination to the next.

God is always leading us straight ahead, to walk the straight and narrow path that leads to eternal life. Don’t let your heart determine your own way because the Bible says that our hearts by nature are wicked and deceive us. [ Jeremiah 17:9 ] Instead stay on the straight path that leads to eternal life by walking towards the cross.

God cannot not change your will. Only YOU can 'change your mind' (literally the definition of the word REPENT) so choose this day who you will serve.

So there IS something that GOD CANNOT DO! But there is something very important that YOU MUST DO.

Will you walk towards the cross, or turn away?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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