Article No. 0642

You CAN 'Fight Sin!'

“Therefore do not let
Sin reign in your mortal body so
That you obey its evil desires”

Romans 6:12

FightSin Have you noticed that the word “sin” is rarely ever used today and simply ignored? The question is why, and the answer is because this world has fallen so far away from God’s Law that we’ve become anesthetized to it. It’s time for us to take a look at it!

Sin is anything contrary to God’s moral law and is any action that harms the relationship we have with God or with another person. It’s choosing to act in any way that pulls us away from God just as it did when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit. Consequently, their disobedience caused us to inherit their sinful nature. From the very beginning, God designed us to respond to Him in a way that is in agreement with His nature, but sin breaks that connection - refuses that gift - and rejects God.

Since all sin is the rejection of God and His authority, sin automatically excludes us from His presence. But the good news is that when we come to the Lord Jesus to forgive us with a true repentant heart, we are forgiven, and a sense of freedom is released inside our souls. In other words, we have a brand-new clean slate on which to live a righteous life in God’s eyes. You see, when we give our hearts to Christ, the Holy Spirit indwells in us causing our sin nature to lose its grasp making us no longer its slave.

My friend, our human nature is weak causing us to be tempted, but we must fight sin as long as we live in this world. Thanks be to to Jesus Christ who died to take the place of your sin and mine so that we can approach the throne of grace with confidence knowing that coming to God and confessing our sins will allow us to renew our relationship with Him.

If you have never come to Jesus and asked for forgiveness of your sins, pray this prayer:

Dear Heavenly Father,
I come to you right now with all that is
within me asking you to forgive me for my sins.
Please wash them all away and help me to
live my life pleasing in your sight
from this day forward.
In Jesus’ name,

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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