Article No. 0641

You Have To
Step OUT of the Boat to
Step INTO the Boat

“Peter said, 'Is that you Lord
Calling me to step out of the boat?'
And Jesus said 'Come!'”

Matthew 14:28-29

There are two Bible stories that are often not connected but are strongly related.

Boat+Ark+Footsteps The first is where Jesus calls Peter to step OUT in faith of a boat in the midst of a raging sea to safety towards Him, and the second is where God pleads for people to step INTO a boat that would save their lives from a coming storm.

BOTH involved a storm, and BOTH required STEPPING OUT IN FAITH. The small boat is the life we live, the storm is the passage of life, and the ark is the rescue from the storm once our small boat is overcome by the storm.

You see, as today’s title says, all of us must STEP AWAY of what we THINK will save us and STEP TOWARDS what appears to be foolish, but in the end remains your only true salvation. In both stories, lack of faith met their demise, but safety comes to those that keep their eye looking for their deliverance and STEP OUT IN FAITH.

Friend, in both cases you have to make a choice! Will you step out in faith FROM 'the boat' you 'think' will save you TO the only true boat that really can save you, and that is Jesus Christ? When you do, your eternal deliverance is secure.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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